Some men indicate on their profiles, they love sunsets, walks on the beach, drinking wine, laying by the fire while giving you a massage........others tell you things they think you want to hear.
Seriously, do they really sit back and think about what would make a woman happy and honestly try to fulfill her needs and desires for a healthy relationship or do they extend blank promises to satisfy their own needs?
Personally, I am tired of the impress me dance. Damn it, take our breath away!
Do you really want to know who we are, what moves us,what sparks that inner passion within us? This is the mindset of most women, we do not want to hear the cliche's any longer....we are tired of the norm...I think I speak for most women who have yet to allow themselves to speak up.
Men, put the thoughts of what you think we want aside, and come into our world and let your inner-man experience something that will blow your mind.... the inner-most presence of a confident woman...
Personally, I think most women want a REAL man, not a 20-50 year old adolescent. A real man does not need his masculinity validated by a woman. He knows exactly who he is. Unfortunately there are a heck of a lot of boys out there posing as men. And even more unfortunate are the women who have had to suffer through them.
Boy, was this a good blog for me today. I have not met a man yet that truly wants to please a woman, they want the woman to go along with their life and not rock the boat.
EB, women do want real men, however some women settle for less because they think that's all they deserve. Speaking for myself, I can not settle anymore, I want my man strong,confident in himself. Two people attracted to each other should compliment each other, not take away from who you are, especially when they decide to cut and run.
Thank you for your comments. I invite men and women to comment, it's a great way to open your mind and at times, challenge yourself.
Take Care
Lee, you know how I feel about that one! I say stand up and start rocking the hell out of that boat....but be sure you have your life vest on! Time to go fishing!!!!
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